Build your MLM Platform by Decentralized Application with Smart Contract
dApps (Decentralized applications) run on a peer-to-peer network of computers instead of a single computer. They are similar to a conventional web application in a way that its front end uses the same technology to represent the page. But the backend uses smart contracts to connect to the blockchain network instead of an API connecting to the database.
Advantages of dApps over Traditional apps
dApps are tamperproof and records stored in it are unalterable, protecting the application from hacking or intrusions. Decentralized apps are governed through autonomy and changes made in the applications are decided through consensus of all members in the network. Unlike traditional apps, decentralized applications i.e. dApps do not rely on a single server and therefore, it prevents the risk of central point of failure.
Our dApp Development Services
Leveraging the same product development experience that generated millions of revenue for clients from startups to Fortune 500s, we help clients experience the potential of blockchain technology. From smart contracts to decentralized exchanges and applications, our dApp Development Team can help businesses stay on the competitive edge in the decentralized applications world.
Leading MLM SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TEAM. We specialize in designing complicated referral rewarding calculation system so that you can do network marketing with ease. Our main products are:
Multi-level Marketing Software
Multi Level Marketing software with a wide range of MLM Compensation Plans and various customizations to meet the different businesses of various clients.
Referral Based Marketing Software
Unlock new referrals with referral based marketing software that helps you remove roadblocks that stop customers from referring you.
Sales Commission Software
MLM Sales Commission Software is used to improve sales efficiency by centralizing and automating enterprise commission-based incentive plans.
Direct Sales Solutions
Automated Commission Payroll. Tiers, Bonuses, Reserves, Overrides, Data Fees and even Admin Fees.
Open source code.
Decentralised architecture presumes that application source code can be accessible by all network members. In a trustless environment, the user needs to be able to verify what kind of application he is running and what exactly it does (to prevent scam and malware, protect personal data and assets). The easiest way to do it is by providing the source code.
Decentralised consensus mechanism.
When the app is working in a decentralised environment, where all users have equal rights to change the data, there has to be a way for all network peers to agree on which data and transactions to trust. The solution to this problem is called a consensus mechanism.
Usage of internal currency.
There are many reasons for a dApp to use some form of currency: to support the development process, to fuel the underlying network and its consensus mechanism, to give the users a way to exchange value, and many others. It creates a healthy economic system around the app and helps the project grow.
Decentralised application platforms
A dApp is not the synonym of the blockchain, it all started with peer-to-peer networks. But the blockchain technology empowers dApps to create a sustainable economic system and offers state-of-the-art consensus mechanisms proven by many adopters. Let’s have an overview of the history of dApps and review the most popular platforms for dApp creation.
Peer-to-peer networks
The rise of the decentralised networks began with peer-to-peer content delivery and media sharing protocols like Gnutella, eDonkey and BitTorrent. These protocols helped users to download the content faster because they could connect to multiple peers and have many channels instead of one centralised storage server. Media sharing networks also helped to get licensed media content for free, and some consider it the main reason for the successful adoption and popularity of the technology.
MLM Software with Smart Contract and DAPP
To generate huge revenue within a short span of time, cryptocurrency MLM business is the right choice. This multi-level marketing act as an effective one due to its direct selling from the wholesaler to the end users. On the other side, it has much benefit but also has some acceptable facts that are facing to be drawbacks like fraudulent activities, cheating and theft or loss of products or currencies and many more.
To overcome this kind of activities, MLM platform development integrated either with smart contract or decentralized applications (DAPP) makes you stand out from the crowd by overcoming all the security issues.
Herewith, let us see in separate about the MLM platform with smart contract as well as Decentralized applications (Dapps).
Smart Contract based MLM Platform
As a known fact, let me define in short about, “what is smart contract?” before knowing about the MLM with smart contract and its benefits.
A smart contract is nothing but an independent accomplishment via contract mentioning the digital terms in the agreement made between the buyer and seller that is been coded with the help of a piece of code.
Smart contract permits the transactions in a trusted manner with an agreement in which the disparate, anonymous parties can transact without any access of a third party authority and any legalized or external enforcement.
Since it is fully encrypted and automated under a blockchain algorithm, MLM business with smart contracts provide complete trustworthiness, hacking-free with decentralization that assures in easy claiming of profit without any loss of money or products due to the automation of smart contract MLM system.
If MLM business powered by smart contracts, then there will be not at all any chance for the scamming MLM business owners towards the members. Likewise, smart contracts elevate all types of MLM business plans.
Benefits of MLM Platform by Smart Contract
Simple and Easy Transactions
Effortless Payment
Assured and Secured Data Safety
Highly Trusted International Transaction
Avert Malpractice
Multi-payment Options
No Extra or Additional Fees
Peer-to-Peer Systems
No External Party Access
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